Concordle is a cousin of Wordle, not so pretty, but it can do much more.
It is my entry to JavaScript. It took about 2 weeks of occasional thinking and two nearly full days of work.
This is the title-line of Concordle:
Concordle - Not so pretty cousin of Wordle
This is a Wordle of the text below ....And a (baby) Concordle looks like the this
Who is Concordle?
She is a not so pretty cousin of Wordle, who recently became very popular.
Wordle is a Java application (available as an applet)
who makes beautiful word clouds. Such a cloud is made according to a rule
that a more frequent word gets a bigger type (or font). Also colors can be used
for various coding, or just for beauty's sake.
Wordle makes beautiful clouds with beautiful fonts and many colors, and you
can play with it, possibly even produce a useful presentation or analysis.
Several people mentioned the potential of Wordle for research or teaching,
even at elementary schools. Wordle is beautiful, fascinating to play with,
Wordle makes beautiful clouds. But that is the end - beautiful pictures of a text.
Concordle has one point common with Wordle: it makes word clouds. But these are only text, and in a browser in general the choice of fonts is limited, so the clouds are not so very pretty. But it is much more clever:
All the words in the cloud ar clickble, i.e. links to concordancer function.
Wikipedia will tell you what a concordancer is, in case that you do not know from before.
So Concordle is a little concordancer which can be really used in research and
for some types of teaching. Thus it has a wastly broader capabilities than Wordle.
If your text contains 10 times the word "concordance", you might like to see why.
So you click on the big CONCORDANCE and all 10 the snippets of text arround the
ten occurrences of concordance in the text.
A real concordancer program can be used in linguistic studies, and also as a
tool for other types of analysis. A real free corcondancer is available, as
a Wikipedia page tells us. A real concordancer program makes the whole
concordance available at once, possibly on texts of tens of thousands of words.
Concordle works with texts of several thousands words without problems,
but as well as Wordle, Concordle is basically an educational toy,
not strong enough for heavy duty analysis of whole books or even sets of books.
Why have I written Concordle? The idea came naturally from Wordle. Besides, it is
a little tribute to my friend prof. Ralph Jewell of University of Bergen, who introduced me
to his use of concordance in philosophical analysis some 20 years ago. Further, I have
a long time talked about how useful JavaScript can be for general programming,
not only for AJAX and Gmail. So now I have written sort of large program.
Many people asked the author of Wordle for the source code.
Wordle is based on proprietary IBM libraries and thus not of open source.
In contrast, Concordle is based on my learning to program in JavaScript,
so the source is not only free, but documented and inviting for improvements.
If you are going to use Concordle, a little link and a mention of the
author would be greatly appreciated. Become friends with Concordle!
can play with it, possibly even produce a useful presentation or analysis.
Several people mentioned the potential of Wordle for research or teaching,
even at elementary schools. Wordle is beautiful, fascinating to play with,
Wordle makes beautiful clouds. But that is the end - beautiful pictures of a text.
Concordle has one point common with Wordle: it makes word clouds. But these are only text, and in a browser in general the choice of fonts is limited, so the clouds are not so very pretty. But it is much more clever:
All the words in the cloud ar clickble, i.e. links to concordancer function.
Wikipedia will tell you what a concordancer is, in case that you do not know from before.
So Concordle is a little concordancer which can be really used in research and
for some types of teaching. Thus it has a wastly broader capabilities than Wordle.
If your text contains 10 times the word "concordance", you might like to see why.
So you click on the big CONCORDANCE and all 10 the snippets of text arround the
ten occurrences of concordance in the text.
A real concordancer program can be used in linguistic studies, and also as a
tool for other types of analysis. A real free corcondancer is available, as
a Wikipedia page tells us. A real concordancer program makes the whole
concordance available at once, possibly on texts of tens of thousands of words.
Concordle works with texts of several thousands words without problems,
but as well as Wordle, Concordle is basically an educational toy,
not strong enough for heavy duty analysis of whole books or even sets of books.
Why have I written Concordle? The idea came naturally from Wordle. Besides, it is
a little tribute to my friend prof. Ralph Jewell of University of Bergen, who introduced me
to his use of concordance in philosophical analysis some 20 years ago. Further, I have
a long time talked about how useful JavaScript can be for general programming,
not only for AJAX and Gmail. So now I have written sort of large program.
Many people asked the author of Wordle for the source code.
Wordle is based on proprietary IBM libraries and thus not of open source.
In contrast, Concordle is based on my learning to program in JavaScript,
so the source is not only free, but documented and inviting for improvements.
If you are going to use Concordle, a little link and a mention of the
author would be greatly appreciated. Become friends with Concordle!
SO I HAVE MANAGED TO UPSET THE TEMPLATE! Perhaps sometimes I will fix that!
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