you can click on
It will download Concordle into a HTML/JavaScript Editor.
You can change things in the source and run the Concordle.
You can save the changes as new versions of concordle.
How: select the text in the editor and paste it to your favorite
text editor (NOT microsoft word! ) - or notepad or .....
Fascinating tool you made here. I am interested in developing it a bit to include options for different frequency bands (my particular area of interest), and also the ability to feed in a web page direct from a URL. In particular, I'm working on a corpus-driven pedagogical approach to teaching English. Your tool might fit nicely with this approach.
Is your script published under the GNU licence for open source software?
Dear Steve, thanks for the comment and your interest. I have been on holiday with only a limited (by pricing mostly) access to the internet - and while very excited by your interst, I postponed searching for ways to contact you until coming home. Now I am home after a very delayed flight from Italy - and I still can not find an easy way to contact you. To your question: the code is published as it is - anybody can read it and thus do with it whatever needed or wanted. I am an academic physicist and all my work is and has always been paid by my academic employers to become general knowledge in the public domain. I thus published this my little experiment in using javascript in the same spirit. This 'concordle' exercise I wrote first as I explain in my comments, more recently I applied the tricks I learned through this little project in several other projects in the area of physics. Of more general interest is my geometric kaleidoscope-like toy - for generating geometric flowers and other digital objects.
Please contact me by e-mail to discuss more details and perhaps some form of collaboration.
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